Thursday, 4 September 2014

It's cycle to work day!

It's been five weeks since I've ridden Clive so what better day to get back on my trusty road bike than Cycle to work day. To be honest I've got jet lag big time so work and back feels about right for my current energy levels. After my Australian adventures on Claude it felt so good to be back on road bike which doesn't weigh a tonne and isn't as saggy as Nora Batty's tights

Having put postcards up at work and shared my intentions all over social media I braced myself for a mass participation two wheeled mega event. Hmmm...I think everyone missed the memo! I rode to work, I often ride to work, no one else bothered. On my way to work I didn't see any other cyclists. On the way home I saw three. Now my strava feed might be stuffed with people celebrating cycle to work day but hey us lycra loonies were always going to join in. Wasn't the point to get more people on their bikes? The Facebook page is also full of pics of peoples cycling commute but again I get the impression these are people who usually cycle to work celebrating a day dedicated to their mode of transport. I hope threes some footage of somewhere in the UK that embraced the whole shebang, unfortunately it wasn't Kettering.

Oh my goodness I'm a whinging Pom! So on a more positive note I arrived at work to discover a present from a colleague. I have to say I love it!

Happy Peddaling 

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Cycleway to Manly

Just a quick spin this morning using more of the excellent cycleway the Queensland government has funded. You'll probably guess from the erratic route I did a couple of unplanned detours. There's 150km of this stuff and it is no officially on my bucket list to come back and do the lot in one day. I went the opposite way to previous rides with the end destination of Manly. If I'd had longer I'd have gone fully round the stunning harbour but you'll see from the pics I was a bit spoilt for views as it was!

Well signed route

Same sign other side over looking Tinpala River

Through the mangroves

Lota Park


More Park

Look how well segregated the cycleway us from traffic

The really impressive thing for me is the time and effort put into all this public space. It's like 
someone very wise got hold of the cash and said:"our greatest asset is our space, let's make it accessible, provide enough facilities for everyone to use it for recreation whilst conserving our flora and fauna, oh and let's make sure we do it well." People have big houses and gardens here but even if you didn't there's so much public space you just wouldn't care. Hopefully I will get one more ride in before we come home but now it's time for yet another experience as the queen of cakes and I are having four nights in Sydney.

Happy pedalling 

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Return from Straddie

They say a picture tells a thousand words so this will be short and sweet and then a load of pictures of my new favourite place. I left the superb fishes at the point cafe on Claudius at 12:30 knowing I needed to make the 20km ride to Dunwich in time for the 14:00 ferry. Easy you'd think. However, it was hot, dry, windy, I was on a heavy mountain bike and the first 9km are pretty much up hill. I did make it though, in plenty of time in fact by 13:35. The 35 min ferry ride was not the best things for me legs and the dreaded cramp struck when I got back on Claudius in Cleveland. I also took no risks with Strava so I kept it on for the ferry ride, I'm not in any challenges this month so it's not really cheating, in case anyone is wondering there are also no ferry segments! Pictures shortly but I'll end n this: as I left Straddie I knew it was only fair well, not goodbye!

Ok I didn't take this one but we did see whales from our apartment balcony

Waves on main beach

Main beach from North gorge - it's 32km long!

North Gorge

Sunset over cylinder beach

Dolphins who came to say hello whilst we were fishing

Sook it's not pics of the cycling. To give you an idea the island only has flat beaches. Everything else is up or down. The roads are relatively quiet which is good because they're not really there for cyclists. I did read warnings about heavy vehicles due to mining but I did see this as an issue. Like the rest of Oz it was utes and 4wd.

The big story was the wildlife. As well as whales and dolphins we saw a seal, turtles, rays, big shoals of fish, kangaroos, a massive colony of bats and lots of interesting birds including my favourite the Brahminy Kite. 

Not the best cycling I ever done but definitely the best place I've ever cycled.

Happy pedalling

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Ride to point look out straddie plus strava fail!

Check out my 16.5 mi Ride on Strava:

OK so this is the ride to point lookout on straddie.  Well it would be if strava wasn't being a dick. I want expecting this but I have observed rule14and been a bad ass in bad weather.  Ride London pah! The practised route to the ferry was a breeze, the (boat) ride over to the island was smooth as but ominous clouds over the island were a warning. In short it was a bit dark over Bruce's mother's. 

What a ride though.  Very moist with roads turning to rivers and some good hills. I have to say the journey back might be testing because I had some good descents. 

Claudius once again proved a worthy companion and flip me the rabbits are big round here!

Well that's it for now I'm hoping for a bit of exploration this week so look out for more oz bike blogging. 

Happy pedalling

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

First Australian Ride: Straddie Ferry Reccie

How ya goin? Is the standard greeting out here in Queensland. I quite like it! I'm not sure if it's a genuine enquiry or a bit like a Northants 'alright?' Which is never to be answered with anything other than a return 'alright,' or at worst 'yeah you?' The standard reply appears to be 'good thanks.'  Today on my first Aussie ride I got lots of nods, the odd wave and a mix of hi and hey. Lycra loonies are the same the world over it seems.

The route today was a practise for tomorrow when we go on 'holiday' to North Stradbroke Island. My sister has bigged the place up to the max so I'm really excited. I sort of joked about making space in the car by biking to our holiday home destination of Point Lookout and like all good cyclists when others agreed I decided it had to be done. More on Straddie tomorrow when I've done the ride. Today 
it was about testing the route to the ferry using the 150km of cycle path the Queensland government 
have kindly provided in their quest to create an East coast cycleway. My steed for the day, which I have named Claudius, is my brother in law's full suspension Claude Butler Ark. As Andy (mention) used to sell these I believe he's a bit excited about seeing the old girl.

Standard view on the route

Disappointed no Koala's today

I do love a good war memorial

Made it to the ferry

Can't wait!

Dear KBC and NCC this is a cycle path!

Stuff like this is everywhere

View from the cycle path...slight improvement on the Grand Union Canal

Clearly marked

Some more good stuff

The route is a mix of dedicated cycle paths and clearly marked lanes on roads. Nothing had any sign of a pothole, I did not encounter broken glass and even the under path was decorated in a fantastic mural and did not smell of wee. I like it here...can you tell? My average was hampered by a few factors, Claudius is in good shape but isn't a fast bike and the rear suspension means you lose power transference climbing. I'm not complaining though, I'm quite taken by the classic red BRITISH bike. I did keep checking the route on Strava, which performed pretty well but unlike a dedicated sat nav doesn't have a way of keeping you on track. However like my bike for the holiday it's free so I won't be a whinging POM. Finally it's just so bloody stunning and interesting that I'm spending more time taking in the sites than getting my head down.

It's winter here now and the Aussies are saying it's cold. I've seen people in coats! Well to me it's warm. The weather forecast last night was hilarious. It was all doom and gloom and cold and rain! Well they've said that every day and it's dribbled down for five minutes about twice. So I checked the met office for Brisbane. What the Aussies warn of as big chance of rain, our lads in blighty were calling sunny intervals. Do check my pictures and make up your own mind!

One last thing. My ear worms on today's ride were bizarrely Supergrass - pumping on your stereo and more logically Madness Prince Buster because I sing that to my sisters dog Buster who we've all fallen in love with.

Buster Dog

So some things are the same and some things are different but there's one thing that remains ever constant: I absolutely flipping bloody love riding bikes.

Happy Pedalling

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Follow the yellow brick road...

So this was last ride before Oz! I'm not sure I've mentioned this but we're off to Queensland, Australia for the whole of August. Two years planning and frankly there's only three things I'll miss: the dogs, proper beer and my bike. I am hoping to do the odd ride but it won't be the same.

So tonight's ride was quite a send off. It's vroom so we go quicker and due to a conversation in the week we decided to test ourselves on the KCC Old circuit, so called because it starts an ends near Old and not because they have a new one somewhere else. The plan was to show Jonesy in particular that TT is not an unrealistic pipe dream and to give the lad a goal for next year.

Hightower with a small child's bike

At the shop a very healthy group gathered and it was good too see Nathan who was the proud recipient of his cubs cycling badge today in honour of his attention seeking accident. The bike he's stood by is a normal size for an adult and in fact one of those very popular Boardman's.

To the route and my word some of the lads were quick tonight. I wasn't, I was pretty much the slowest but the thing about TT or the race or truth is that you're only really competing with yourself. The course is about a strava segment all of it's own well it's a few actually with different start points. 

Here you go I'm a very hopeless 169th out of 188 but...that's a PR for me, so I improved. It's baby steps but I used to trundle around struggling to average 15mph so it's getting better and that's all any of us want isn't it?  Definitely need a lot more before I try this for real but I think next season is a realistic goal and I truly hope Jonesy will join me. I also have to do it because I have family history to live up to. In the 1930s my Grandad, Alan Lindsley, rode a100 mile time trial on a fixed cog steel bike in under 6 hours. We're spoilt with all our equipment these days, those lads back then really were hard men of the road.

Meanwhile the club whizz kids were smashing it. Andy (mention) on his Boardman dream machine and as if to prove a point Steve on his Aluminium winter bike really tore it up and Greg was pretty special too. I hope they have a go for real because they can do well.

By all accounts everyone is pretty ruined tonight. My legs feel pretty stiff so I guess vroom did it's job. I'm going to miss the club rides and especially the people of C&DCYCLES CC. I am however determined on my return from Australia to keep trying as hard as I can. Who knows one day I'll be able to keep up with Steve.

Our leader

Happy Pedaling

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Amazing Sunday Super Steve Mystery Tour

Wow! Just wow! What a great Sunday ride with the lads and lasses of C&DCYCLES CC. Sunday as stated is not a beginner ride like Saturday but a longer ride where we aim to go as quick as the group allows but always observing rule 1 - no man or woman or indeed Bod gets left behind.

I left home in one of those last minutes dashes. So it didn't help when I encountered James and Darren going for a run. These two super heroes are instructors at Rothwell Jado, a superb martial art which my kids have unfortunately given up. Sam didn't really get it and Niamh decided to prioritise Athletics and Gymnastics where she excels. This was a bit of a relief to us as they both do so much. However I must give Jado a further plug, if your looking for a martial art to get your kids into I think it's very very good. A bit more on James and Darren: these two have recently completed the three peaks challenge of Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon. They also did this mad yoga thing of about a billion sun salutations, all for charity. You get the picture. Good lads!

A big group greeted me at the shop and right from word go the social media tarts were fishing for blog mentions. So for fairness you all get a mention now. The group was Chris B, Olly, Neil, Rich W, Ken, Tony, Teresa, Heather, Iain, Steve, Frank, Paul K and me.

We started at a furious pace. Big Steve and his impressive Boardman dragging us in his wake. If we'd kept that up the whole ride would've taken about 3 hours. I felt great for about 25 miles and then the pace got to me. After that I struggled  to keep up but still managed an average over 16, which is good for me.

Bit of a stop

The rest of the group

Gran Fondo Jerseys

Olly and Teresa were sporting Gran Fondo Jerseys which you qualify to buy if you've completed the Strava challenge. Today was a potential day for me to complete the 80 miles as it should have been nearly 70 by the time I got home. Even today I'd have managed another 10 miles. That's all great unless you've been a dufus and forgotten to start you Strava until Windmill Avenue. I've consoled myself that those Jerseys are very pricey and I couldn't justify the cost. Bloody nice though.

Point of interest

Action shot

Another action shot

 I'm grateful to others today for helping me on the ride. The epic dash drafting Neil to catch the group was great fun. Iain also gave me a great drag to a Warkton where I have my traditional lull. Prize of the day goes to Chris who helped me out of Islip pushing with one hand whilst still riding himself. He did admit he was after my jelly beans. Anyway thanks lads.

Back at the shop it was time for very welcome tea and cake. I must admit I was ruined. I did have enough energy to take snaps of Mrs Lindsley's dream bike. She has her eyes on this classic red shopper and would like a basket on the front. Not for us Mamil's but  really think it would suit her!

Red Bike


Finally there is some concern that whilst I'm in Australia there will be no blog and worse still no cake from Lee. Well lads there will be no cake from us but there will be something to blog I promise. I can't believe it's 5 sleeps until we fly. Even more unbelievable is that Olly knew nothing about our trip to Queensland. I'm sure I'd mentioned it! What won't be necessary is the contraption below which Steve and Chris felt I could use on the plane.