Saturday 25 October 2014

Saturday's are the best!

So back to the bread and butter of my riding week, the C&DCycles CC Saturday club ride. As per usual it was two groups. Lord Vader headed out with the quicks and I'm proud as anything of Rich McNab for making the transition up. Who'd have known that the lad hanging out of his arse a few months back, who was also getting the jitters about Ride London, would be heading out for 30 miles at 17-20mph average? Well I did. Rich is nothing but determined. Andy says I'm next! Yeah maybe!!!

As per usual I was happy to tail gun the social/beginner/banter/classic ride. This week we were led by big Steve or after his exploits with his huge hammer, Thor! The group was the usual mix or regulars and infrequents, there's many of us I can see stepping up from that lot. There's little of note to make of the riding other than it was safe, considerate and good fun. It's so easy when we have weeks like this.

We were a little quiet to start with and ironically, as we were in Burton when I said something, I did wonder if people had had their weetabix. People perked up at that point which left me to wonder about the demise of our local businesses. Weetabix is now owned by a Chinese company and
Northamptonshire's other famous product Dr Martens boots are made in China. I can't help thinking we've thrown local treasures away for short term greed...

Oh sorry I'll get back to cycling

On the ride there was the usual banter. Cycling banter for the unintiated is a mix of taking the piss out of each other and bike based innuendo. I'm sure others can add to this but here's some of the things that get a titter:
Big ring
Can't get it in (pedal related)
Coming from behind
Bringing up the rear
Getting penetrated (puncture related)

The list goes on and when certain club members are present it appears virtually inexhaustible. Still it's good to laugh when you're out on a bike, it takes your mind off things like hills or a stiff breeze (ooh look I said stiff!)

Ok enough of that here's a few more pics on what was a beautiful Autumn day.

The pictures do show how it was, bright, fresh and light winds.

Back at the shop it was the usual fare of tea and cake. Andy was proudly using his new cup and I agreed it was pic worthy. That's blatant product placement in the background as the shop is promoting the Garmin Virb camera. I'd love one of those so who knows I may be product testing one of those beauties in the near future.

That's it for today I need to get my butt down to Northampton to watch those mighty Saints!

Happy Pedalling

Friday 24 October 2014

Back in the saddle

I'm going to break with tradition and not include my Strava routes today. It's just my commute. If you read this blog you know my route, if you don't, welcome to my blog and have a look at some older posts you'll find my commute then you'll know.

So what's new today? Well not a lot. It's been a week since man flu struck and as a result I got that jolt of exhilaration that a week off the bike always gives. Zipping down Glendon road towards Bunker Hill I thought - oh yeah I like this. Then that slope of doom kicked in and I was telling the terrible Tarmac incline how much I hated it. I do hope people don't hear my road chat at times because frankly I sound a bit mad.

On the way in I was spotted by some fellow c&ders. Jonesy paid testament to my near Eskimo hardness by commenting it was brave to be in shorts. It's October Jonesy of course I'm in shorts soft lad! Then I was spotted and beeped by Our leader, Lord Vader. He was pulling into the Death Star in the shop tie fighter.

That was that on the way in. No road rage incidents nothing amazing segment wise, the average was all a bit average but it was nice to be back on the bike. I checked facebook when I got into work and
found that I'd been tagged into a GCN share. If you haven't watched their videos, well you should because it's the lighter side of cycling we all need...

The other good thing I found today was an article by a motoring organisation telling cars that they don't own the road. Very refreshing. So here's the link

The day at work was a long one. Yes it started with me checking social media but then it got izzy whizzy lets get busy on an epic level. So I left a lot later than usual on a Friday. Dear Jeremy Hunt, you owe me extra today. That was bad news because I rode straight into the rainstorm. Yikes, time to get inventive. I decided to put my work blackberry in my lunchbox, the actual tuppawear item not somewhere more intimate. Half way home the roads were rivers and I switched my angst from the road to the weather. Unfortunately Mother Nature wasn't interested and the rain did not follow my advice to piddle off. That was one very moist twenty minutes!

Ok that's it I've blogged. Club rides tomorrow so the blog will have a lot more quality. Enjoy the links.

Happy pedalling

Friday 17 October 2014

Ride with a cold or not?

It's now 05:25 and I'm up, the wood burner has just lit itself off last night's hot coals, I'm catching up with Mythbusters on my Virgin TiVo recordings and I have a nice cup of tea in my cycling mug. At 04:30 I woke in a fit of coughing, spluttering and sneezing. My throat feels like it's been sandpapered and every sinus in my head feels like it's been packed tightly with cotton wool. My first thought? Will I be ok to ride today?

I used to enjoy a lazy morning and a full English breakfast brunch but not now. The idea of missing a Saturday club not has me on the verge of panic attack. I can't let people down, they'll be expecting me, Big Steve is back from holiday, who will be arse end Charlie, the club already had to manage without me for the whole of August...oh get over yourself Richard! When did this obsession start? May 2013 is the answer. That's when I did my first shop ride and I've been hooked on it ever since.

Riding with c&dcycles CC has changed cycling from an occasional past time to a way of life. I've completed challenges and sportives with the aid of my club-mates and much as I enjoy solo rides I've learnt that many things in life are better as a shared experience (hilariously auto correct changed that to flu mates!)

Huntingdon Steeplechase 2013 - one of my favourite photos - apart from missing friends

I have history of this riding when poorly. Almost exactly this time last year my body was in identical
shape. With the Silverstone Circuit Breaker fast approaching I decided to rule #5 it and do the ride. Stupid, stupid mistake. For starters I went on the Saturday ride the day before, felt like shit and decided...nah I'll be ok! Possibly worrying a bit about being unwell my prep on the day was abysmal. I didn't check my tyre pressure which is probably the cause of my puncture I experienced about ten miles into the ride. Then I forgot to eat! Yes that's right I went to do a 90 mile sportive full of cold, with soft tyres on an empty stomach! So the fact it was cold, wet and horrendously windy was just icing on my personal cake of failure. The result for me was dropping from the epic to the standard distance and limping home like a wet rag.

Actual weather footage Silverstone Circuit Breaker 2013

As with all of life's ponderances I decided there was only one way to determine what to do. Ask Google. The efforts of my research can be seen below. The London Cyclist and the Human Cyclist are two of my favourite blogs so have a good browse around those. If you like my stuff you'll love what the proper writers can do. I've also included some forums and the advice agrees universally. Cycling with a cold is not worth it. On the forums there are some horror stories and I'm sure if you read the Daily Mail you'll discover that immigrants are infecting us with Ebola as we cycle but don't go out anyway as we're about to enter another ice age (luckily being in Australia for August I missed the the predicted deadly heatwave.) The most disappointing thing I found was the Livestrong advice. I was expecting:"dose up on lemsip, beechams, echinacea and don't forget your EPO!" None of that, they stick to being sensible, not risking a compromised immune system and not rushing back to full training. Boring! The most common theme is if it's just in your head (snot, sore throat, headache,) then ride. If it's on your chest (chesty cough, green grollies,) then don't ride you could be risking chest infection.

So I've agonised over my decision. Riding is going well. I've fixed all of Clive's clunky clinking cranky noises. A combination of cycling and diet has the pounds falling off me. Ive been under my calorie goal for 45 days in a row on myfitnesspal. There's no way I can eat my normal Saturday food and stay on goal without a ride. Cycling is my personal stress buster and due to 'Go Sober for October,' I can't drink it off either. This is a big decision. So here goes. I think if I'm wondering whether I should ride or not given how much I love cycling and how much I hate missing the Saturday club ride then I shouldn't ride. I could really go for it and pay the fine, £20 for a go sober golden ticket, which allows me to have a drink...for medicinal purposes but hey I think that's cheating. So there you go, no ride for me today but at least I've blogged. Today I will rest, eat well, do a bit of brewing and enjoy the marathon of European Rugby culminating with Racing Metro v Northampton - The English Champions - Saints. 

That's my final decision...well unless I change my mind in the next hour and a half!

Happy snivelling 

Snotty commute

Well no strava errors today but not great riding I'm afraid. I'm in the grips of Man flu and even the Saturday club ride may be missed. That's right this is serious.

So there's no records no achievements no nothing really about today's cycling. I did get annoyed at the cars squeezing me on the Rockingham Road. They were all driving on the bikes and when I pointed this out through an open window I got told I shouldn't be 'speeding!' This mornings average was 15.5mph, so not exactly fast.

On a brighter note and you will get this pun shortly, I got the chance to give Clive a good clean this evening. No new products were involved this time however I did get a good shine and quite clean cogs and chain with just washing up liquid, water and GT85. So even if I'm not ready for a spin tomorrow Clive is. The trouble with cleaning is its like a CRB check, it's only good the day you do it. Personally I think it's good to take care of your equipment though so I'm going to keep up the velohygiene.

Right I need to find more tissues.
Happy pedalling

Thursday 16 October 2014

Quick, well it may have been quick, commute!

So this morning I decided to go for it, really go for it. I wanted at least an 18mph average on my 5 mile commute to work. I'm sure I smashed it but we will probably never know because I've had a strava fail. we've all had them, technology lets us down...well when you really look most techno issues are operator error and it's no different here. I forgot to start it! So I arrived at work in a dripping mess for no other reason than my health. Oh hang on that's the point isn't it?

My ride to work was the standard Bunker Hill, Glendon Road, Rockingham Road, through town and into Station Road. You've all seen it, it's not that interesting really. 

You'll see from above I came home the more interesting way. I got a top ten on Bowhill Bother, but there's only 33 riders on that segment so perhaps not that impressive. Another PR and a load of 2's too so I'm happy with my ride home.

Not much else to say but I have had twitter feedback from NCC to say they're sorry about the Q&A session. The person arrived late apparently due to organising staff cover. They also said they're going to email me. Nothing on that yet!

I'll have another smash at the ride in tomorrow. Let's hope I start Strava this time!!!

Happy Pedalling

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Not just another commute

I'm going to for the positives first: Clive is like a new bike with his tightened front end, new bottom bracket and new pedals. Quiet is not the word and also everything feels a bit more positive or direct. I'm very happy about Clive.

On my way in using the bike route on Rockingham Road I encountered the usual plethora of vehicles obstructing the route. Here's one now!

Oh no just sticks the hazards on its fine...

This was even more important because there was a Q&A session with a council representative was due to take place at Kettering library. I even rang them to check it was on and the times. 13:00 - 14:30 I was told, well 1 til half two was actually said but I'm a nurse and they make me use the 24hr clock. So I went to the library expecting to see a fervent died of lycra loonies and one embarrassed looking excuse monkey. Disappointingly there was a complete lack of either, well I say that there was one lycra loonie, me, except I'd changed into something less comfortable at work. This is what we were supposed to be discussing:
Transport strategy for Kettering

Feeling a bit miffed I decided to make use of the library wifi and let the consultancy know how I felt. I sent this:

Firstly I took time from work to come to the library for the q&a session. There is no one here so I'm feeling disappointed. 

Secondly I'm a cyclist who  regularly uses the cycle routes which you claim to be well maintained. They are not. They are full of glass and other road debris meaning you are more likely to puncture. On the a14 brambles extend over the path increasing the puncture risk. 

The Rockingham Road route is next to useless. In the first section you have to cross ten junctions in less than half a mile. On the section near town with cycles painted on the road the road itself is full of potholes. It is not regulated as cars and vans regularly block the route taking our protected area. 

On other areas such as gypsy Lane most cyclists view the painting of bikes on the road and blue signs a complete joke. It makes no difference to driver behavior and in any case the road is too narrow for cars to give us more room.

In other places you have put bus stops on bike paths so pedestrians gather blocking the path.  On Rothwell Road last week a lady stepped into the road to let me pass. I certainly didn't want her to put herself at risk like that.  

Ive read the draft document and do not agree with statements about current cycle provision. Most of us prefer to use the road because it is safer. 

I wonder if other countries are being looked at for ideas. I recently returned from Australia and had the privilege of issuing the Moreton Bay cycleway. It certainly shows what can be done with planning and adequate funds. 

You have an opportunity to do something brilliant don't provide the mediocre which most people feel already exists. 

Love Rich x (other endings may have been used.)

I got a lovely reply!

“Thank you for your response to the Local Transport Plan consultation.
All of the comments that we receive during consultation will be collated and each one will be considered before we make the appropriate changes to the strategies.

A summary of all comments, along with the actions we have taken as a response to them, will be published in a consultation results document on our website when the adopted strategies are published.

As such, you will not receive an individual response to your email at this time.

Oh sorry did I say lovely? I really hope that was an auto response not a reply. 

I wasn't able to join vroom this evening but was amused to get soaked on the way home following Jonesy's prediction of improved weather. The queen of cakes saw the lads on the way to rugby with Sam and described them as dripping. I think the improvement must have been a lighter wind!

Happy pedalling

Sunday 12 October 2014

Lovely little spin, clank identified and remedied!

There was no club ride this morning due to hangovers so I took the opportunity to watch Super Sam play his first ever rugby match and I'm really pleased I did. I was put off mini rugby by an experience with older brother Joe and I'm pleased to say things appear to have changed for the better. Then it was a cracking stew and dumplings lunch at the inlaws and it wasn't until after 4 that I got out on Clive.

So off I set with the clicking which we think is the pedals and the clanking that inexplicably Chris at c&dcycles couldn't detect. Even so the noisyness wasn't a hindrance to riding but I was convinced only one noise was in the pedals. The clank appeared to be coming from the frame.

I went through Harrington to Kelmarsh, past the Buddhist centre on to Haselbech and then Naseby. At Naseby I headed off down my favourite downhill towards Guilsborough. When I say favourite downhill it also doubles as my favourite uphill in that masochistic way where I think it's the hardest slope in Northants. I turned off down the gated road to Cottersbrooke where I had my epiphany.

I needed a wee. As I got off my bike I put pressure through the bars on one side and I got the clank noise. As I urinated I cogitated and came up with a plan. I tightened everything on the front end of the bike. All of the bolts on the headset and the handlebars took a good couple of turns so they were a little loose. For good measure I tightened the front wheel too. Hey presto the clank was gone. Andy, the king fiddler, did say it could be in the headset. It's not a surprise because I'm one of those straight armed sportive riders that real racers pour scorn on. It made me recall that I'd read about the need to ride with a bend in the elbows, which I don't do naturally and it made me notice just how much weight I put through the bars especially when climbing. The click is still there so tomorrow I'm buying new pedals. I have a feeling after that I'll start noticing my creaky old bike shoes again but that, I'm definitely going to live with that...well I expect I'll buy new shoes too when funds allow. Stroke your till Chris! Anyway the clank is sorted. I'm just a little disturbed how many good thoughts come to me whilst relieving myself!

I headed up through Brixworth up that mega lump from the ladies tour and crossing the Brixworth bypass I was pleased to see traffic being held up by something other than a lycra clad group. Take your medicine car drivers the road does not belong to you.
Steam engine thing probably contains beards

Next up was beautiful Scaldwell, onto Old, up Mill Lane and down the very fast slight downhill into Loddington. I was feeling great at this point turning into Orton green lane and decided to really go for the mini lump segment of the Col de Loddington. Big mistake. As I rounded the fast downhill corner at full speed I encountered a big white car in the middle of the narrow lane. Evasive reaction required, frankly I pooed my pants (metaphorically no lycra was damaged on this ride!) A miss is as good as a mile so no damage to bike or person but a lesson learned and a sharp reminder...if you can't see round the corner don't fly round it at warp speed! Needless to say I was a bit more tentative over the last few miles.

Tomorrow it's a potentially soggy commute and as long as people behave themselves I can get some new pedals from the shop.

Happy pedalling