I'm going to for the positives first: Clive is like a new bike with his tightened front end, new bottom bracket and new pedals. Quiet is not the word and also everything feels a bit more positive or direct. I'm very happy about Clive.
On my way in using the bike route on Rockingham Road I encountered the usual plethora of vehicles obstructing the route. Here's one now!
Oh no just sticks the hazards on its fine...
This was even more important because there was a Q&A session with a council representative was due to take place at Kettering library. I even rang them to check it was on and the times. 13:00 - 14:30 I was told, well 1 til half two was actually said but I'm a nurse and they make me use the 24hr clock. So I went to the library expecting to see a fervent died of lycra loonies and one embarrassed looking excuse monkey. Disappointingly there was a complete lack of either, well I say that there was one lycra loonie, me, except I'd changed into something less comfortable at work. This is what we were supposed to be discussing:
Transport strategy for Kettering
Feeling a bit miffed I decided to make use of the library wifi and let the consultancy know how I felt. I sent this:
Firstly I took time from work to come to the library for the q&a session. There is no one here so I'm feeling disappointed.
Secondly I'm a cyclist who regularly uses the cycle routes which you claim to be well maintained. They are not. They are full of glass and other road debris meaning you are more likely to puncture. On the a14 brambles extend over the path increasing the puncture risk.
The Rockingham Road route is next to useless. In the first section you have to cross ten junctions in less than half a mile. On the section near town with cycles painted on the road the road itself is full of potholes. It is not regulated as cars and vans regularly block the route taking our protected area.
On other areas such as gypsy Lane most cyclists view the painting of bikes on the road and blue signs a complete joke. It makes no difference to driver behavior and in any case the road is too narrow for cars to give us more room.
In other places you have put bus stops on bike paths so pedestrians gather blocking the path. On Rothwell Road last week a lady stepped into the road to let me pass. I certainly didn't want her to put herself at risk like that.
Ive read the draft document and do not agree with statements about current cycle provision. Most of us prefer to use the road because it is safer.
I wonder if other countries are being looked at for ideas. I recently returned from Australia and had the privilege of issuing the Moreton Bay cycleway. It certainly shows what can be done with planning and adequate funds.
You have an opportunity to do something brilliant don't provide the mediocre which most people feel already exists.
Love Rich x (other endings may have been used.)
I got a lovely reply!
“Thank you for your response to the Local Transport Plan consultation.
All of the comments that we receive during consultation will be collated and each one will be considered before we make the appropriate changes to the strategies.
A summary of all comments, along with the actions we have taken as a response to them, will be published in a consultation results document on our website when the adopted strategies are published.
As such, you will not receive an individual response to your email at this time.
Oh sorry did I say lovely? I really hope that was an auto response not a reply.
I wasn't able to join vroom this evening but was amused to get soaked on the way home following Jonesy's prediction of improved weather. The queen of cakes saw the lads on the way to rugby with Sam and described them as dripping. I think the improvement must have been a lighter wind!
Happy pedalling