Sunday 19 May 2019

Training, #FNSS, #Parkrun and the beautiful Welland Valley!

This weeks blog contains some running. Apologies to the cycling purists. If it makes you feel better I did shout 'Jesus has someone nicked all your bikes,' to a group of runners earlier. Anyway there's plenty of cycling too!

On Wednesday night it was back to Dean Barnett's "Muddy Marvels," and some top quality CX training. Once again Dean had laid out a challenging course and then had the skill to coach all abilities. Knowing I have Muddy Marvels on Wednesday, definitely gets me through the day at work and any stresses evaporate during the session. Talking of work, we're having a big wellbeing push with the trust promoting the '5 Ways to Wellbeing.' More on that later!

Selfie with Super Cyclone Jackson

Friday night saw Friday Night Summer Series at East Carlton Psrk. The first thing that happened to me as we drove in the residents entrance to park at the cricket club, was house envy. I hadn't realised just how many houses were in East Carlton Park and how awesome it would be to live in such lovely surroundings.

It was business as usual before the off: Catching up with people, discussing the race last week, talk about tyre choice, tyre pressures etc. I did a quick practise lap (okay I did a slow practise lap,) and realised this was a stunning course. Hats off to this weeks hosts, Rockingham Forest Wheelers. Big shout out to Mike Deely for his vision and energy (Mike will no doubt point out the efforts of others!)
Starting line pre race worry face

OOH I found Ashley

I had two aims for this race. Don't finish last and beat the bell to get the same laps in as the main field. It was tough! I can keep up on the flat and straight downhill but in the technical sections and the sharp uphills I get left behind. As in previous weeks I need to find about two minutes a lap to feel like I'm in a race. However...I flipping loved it! For me these are still 'live training,' rather than competitive's preparation for when I finally achieve my goal weight and good fitness for my last season in the CX veteran category.

I hate this photo...I'm such a fatty!

Too quick for the lens

The snaps of me were courtesy of Victoria Bell. Towards the end of my 4th lap the bell went...I joked  to Victoria that I was hoping the race leader would pass me and save me from a 5th. Victoria pointed out he was right behind me!!! wanted a 5th and somehow beat him to the flag by a few seconds (don't imagine a sprint, I went from slow trudge to slightly quicker trudge and right behind me was a bit of an exaggeration!) Knowing I was the last rider left on the course I sauntered round a last lap without the worry of having to get out of people's way. It was a very nice way to finish. Mission accomplished, not last, everyone above me except the fastest riders also did 5 laps. 

Post race burger and alcohol free beer

After the race. the bar was open in the cricket club and they laid on a barbecue (braii to my South Africa friends, grill to our american cousins but the Aussies call it a barbie and that's good enough for me!) I'm on a booze ban until the Dartmoor Classic so it was Becks blue for me!

What your legs probably don't need, the night after a FNSS is a Parkrun! However, due to that NHFT Wellbeing promotion a team of us are doing some Parkrun tourism to promote the trust and our wellbeing activities! This week it was Bedford. 

Cycling is better for me...I look younger in my helmet!

We had a trust branded selfie window that was put to good use before the run. Hilariously other people were using it later with no idea who or what 'Northamptonshire NHS Foundation Trust,' is.

Bedford is a nice Parkrun in a lovely park.It only had two pacers though and this led to a very mixed start. I found myself doing a funny shuffle for the first few minutes as I tried to find my natural pace. Once that was sorted I had a really enjoyable run. On the way round I chatted to one of the many people running with their dogs. I've had an idea that now Charity, the former Guide Dog Puppy is back in the extended Lindsley family she might be good for doing this.

After the run we went to another colleagues house for a superb breakfast. It was my second house envy moment of the weekend as Lyn, our host, lives on the edge of the park. Her breakfast wraps of bacon, good quality sausage and scrambled eggs (from her own chickens,) were just what the Nurse ordered! 

Next week we are at Corby Parkrun. We will also be doing both the Northampton runs, Towcester, Daventry, Kettering and Market Harborough. I'm away for one of those but will do a Parkrun in Plymouth to make up for it. The team are a great bunch of people. I hope more people join us when we're closer to home, especially in Kettering and Northampton. Big kudos to Anne Linsell for coming up with the idea and organising everything.

All this off road stuff and running is good for general fitness but won't get me ready properly for the ridiculous undulations of the Dartmoor Classic. I'm worried that my good mate Nigel will have to wait for me on every hill so I set out today with the plan of getting up a few hills in Northants/Leicestershire. The best place for that is the beautiful Welland Valley.

Dartmoor's lumpy!!!

Just past East Carlton Park (yep there again,) there was a low flying Kite in Cottingham. I saw loads of Kites, they're as common as sparrows now but as you know I struggle to get a picture! Anyway, I had success this time.

You wait for ages for a Red Kite picture...

Then two come along

The first decent slope was into Bringhurst where I couldn't resist the phonebox shot. As with many of our red boxes, this one now houses a defibrillator.

Round the corner I took a picture of Neville Holt, the massive house on the hill! That's where I was headed!

The big house

Across the valley

Other direction

All the way up the hill I was humming the Game of Thrones theme tune. That horse head statue at Neville Holt makes me think the home owner might be Dothraki! It's not the only interesting thing about the place but I've blogged about that before!

Thanks to Isaac Newton, what goes up must come down! I enjoyed the descent to Medbourne way more than the journey up! I'm looking forward to some speedy slopes in Devon too!

Back round to Ashley and it was by far the longest testing slope if you view it as one climb all the way to Desborough. My legs were already pretty dead from the rest of the weekends activity so this could've been a struggle. However I was warmed up and I enjoyed myself. Again I enjoyed the road from Desborough down to Arthingworth more! I'm slipping down this table though...I want that KOM back!!!

On the climb back to Harrington I decided to really test myself. I kept the RPM over 80 and remained seated all the way up. It was a good way to finish training for the day. As I passed the Tollemarche Arms I thought: "I could murder a pint!" The selfie below is to remind me that my booze ban is to get some of this lard off!

In other news the Giro d'Italia is in full swing. I love all of the Grand Tours and with UK riders to get behind it's a great event. I'm hoping Yates can go one better this year and add the Giro to his Grand Tour win collection.

Happy Pedalling

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