Sunday, 20 February 2022

7 weeks #NHS1000miles

This week's blog isn't going to have a split it's just going to be a reflection on this time last year and why completing the #NHS1000miles in just 7 weeks became so important to me.

When I came up with the idea to do 1000 miles of activity in 7 weeks it was just based on maths and setting a reasonable challenge. The reason I wanted to do this was to make sure 2022 started much better than 2021. Covid19 also ruined #DryJanuary2021 and #REDJanuary2021 so it became 3 challenges. Then I realised 7 weeks was poignant because I'd had 7 weeks off work. In those 7 weeks, apart from the week I lost my taste, I can't remember the day I didn't have a few beers. So I've also done #DryJanuary2022 with a bit extra, no alcohol until the 1000 miles was done! Then there is the biggest significant date of them all. Sunday 20th February 2022 is a year to the day that Lee left ICU.

It feels weird now to remember what life was like a year ago. I've been tearful again in the last few days as I relive some of the emotions. My overwhelming feeling is that I'm grateful. The NHS saved Lee's life and working for the NHS has supported us on this long road to recovery. Friends and family have been superb. Cycling and my dogs have been a big part of coping. I know Lee has been going through a similar set of feelings.

So's an annual challenge where people from all over the NHS commit to 1000 miles of activity over the year. On Twitter it creates a wonderful community where people give updates at 19.30 every Sunday. There are inspiring stories, great pictures and impressive achievements. This is the tweet that kicks it off every week from the magnificent Kath Evans:

In many ways it's not an equal challenge. 1000 miles of cycling is nothing like 1000 miles running and I can't imagine anyone doing it by swimming. I'd like to have a crack at 1000 miles kayaking but I think Lee might apply for a divorce if I have anymore hobbies.

At least 20 miles a week have been with these two. My day starts with the most wonderful greeting and then we go for our standard couple of miles. It's a great way to start the day. Our son Sam walks them most evenings but Lee and I sometimes take them out together.

A lot of my cycling miles have come from my commute to work. Its an 11 mile round trip so 50 miles come quite easily. I don't take the trailer often but even a rucksack adds a bit of extra weight and additional stealth training! It's also nice to add a few extra miles by going home the long way!

The biggest contribution to my 1000 miles have been from group rides. I've been building my distance since New Year and have completed 100km (62.2 mile) "fondo," rides 3 Saturdays in a row.

I have lots of cycling friends in different groups and all of them have helped me through this shocking year. My group rides are with the Cyclasylum, a group of like minded riders who know that cycling keeps them sane. Last Saturday we all headed out as usual for fun miles with good banter.

We had a great ride out to Holdenby where a great Royal Palace once stood. Then I had a rare experience of riding on  Northamptonshire Road for the first time between Teeton and Creaton. Finally the group whitled down until 5 of us ended up in the cafe in Mawsley. 

I'd only got 40 miles at this point so headed off for extra miles. Every Fondo Saturday has been windy and my tactic has been to ride as far as I could into the wind then turn round a get blown home! Each week has been windier than the last and as I turned towards Lamport I nearly ground to a halt! These have been hard earned miles!!!

Heading into this week I needed just 80 miles to complete the 1000. As much as I enjoy the alcohol free beers now available I was looking forward to a proper beer 🍺 by Friday.

On Wednesday I took a real hammering from storm Dudley on my ride home. With even worse forecast with storm Eunice on Friday I decided to make the most of Thursday with an extra walk and riding home the long way. I told Lee I wouldn't ride on Friday because I knew she was worried. Then she said that if I only had 11 miles to do I might as well get on my rollers and get it done! So I did. At 10 miles I was hit by emotions again and then it was done!!!

So what next? Well I've got a lot I want to achieve this year. My next phase is to lose a bit of weight before trying to get as fit as possible before the Dartmoor classic. But let's not forget our main focus. I'll carry on doing whatever it takes to help Lee recover. Who knows, maybe next year she'll do #NHS1000miles too! We have come a very long way in this ridiculous year!

Happy Pedalling 

Sunday, 6 February 2022

Getting the #NHS1000miles done...

As ever I'll start with a family update and then move to my cycling blog. The switch will be marked in bold stay for the bits you like!

The picture above is from a few months ago. It's a sign of the times. It looks like a selfie from an after work dog walk. We've not done that for ages but I think we should get back into it. Sharing this time together is important. We talk and reflect on the year that was. Also I promised my therapist we'd do to make time for the evening dog walk!

There's been no dramas for Lee this week but no progress either. The long road to recovery is very very long. Speaking to her GP, Lee was reminded that her recovery time was at least 12-18 months. The clock on that starts when Lee left hospital. As she was still in ITU this time last year...we are still over a month away from 12 months. Also as it's winter, the effects of this respiratory illness are more pronounced. I saw this first hand when we popped round the corner to Lee's Mum and Dad's house in the week. 30 seconds of cold air and Lee was breathing heavily, it's literally the next street and she was worn out getting there.

In other family news, Lee's Dad continues to soldier on. He had an issue midweek with his trachy which ended up with Lee taking him to A&E in the early hours on Friday morning. It was just a few hours to sort things out and he's home again.

Níamh and Olly had a few good days in London. Joe and Amy continue their life as homeowners. Amy had her birthday and as she has become an important family member we made sure to celebrate with her. 

This brings me to Sam. I am proud of all our children but this week I am especially proud of Sam. He had a great parents evening. He is working so hard at school. He also did a talk in assembly on his transition from worst behaved kid in the school in year 8, to the incredible young man he is today. Other students described him as inspirational. He's committed, well liked by his teachers and knows what he wants to do. None of these things could have been said for me at 16. Like I said - especially proud!

Switching to bikes

I continue to cycle to work. On my regular route there are environmental messages on a fence surrounding the old Kettering FC ground. So after a couple of weeks not driving my massive car, I'm feeling all self righteous. I'm sure a few journeys doesn't make a big difference but I guess it's about making this a permanent change and hoping it encourages others.

This week my commuter/winter bike got very noisy. A quick wiggle of the crank suggested my bottom bracket had gone. I've done a few of these recently but this took ages to get off and fit the new one. The last must have been fitted by Andy at C&D cycles at least 5000 miles ago and it had more than done it's job! The bike felt a lot better with the new BB but the noise remained. Graham Squires on Saturday correctly diagnosed the left pedal! I had a spare so I've swapped it. I've also bought the tool to service pedal axles!

The big ride of the week was the Cyclasylum group ride. In similar cold and windy conditions to last week we headed West into the wind.

The group was a decent size for any time of year, let alone the nasty weather we're having right now. We did lose Neil very early on though as he had a rare tubeless fail.

Despite being downhill from Cold Ashby to Stamford it was hard going in the wind. At Stamford we stopped for bananas 🍌 and to admire new bikes for Marcus and Andy. N+1 in full effect!!!

It was much easier riding back from Stamford. At Sibbertoft we had a little incident. Richard G and I, two of the heaviest riders reacted differently to a rider coming from another direction. I went left and he went right and we went shoulder to shoulder like sprinters at the end of a stage race. Thankfully being equally robust, we bounced off each other and just carried on!

With the wind behind we were back at Rothwell in no time and I knew I wanted to do more. A few of us stopped for coffee and food at The Fox and Peony where Neil joined us. Following some top banter we all went separate ways and I went looking for 13 miles to complete another 100km Fondo. Just like last week I rode directly into the wind for as long as necessary and then turned around to get blown home.

I had the week off from Junior Parkrun with the intention of getting more miles in. I walked the dogs in filthy weather and decided I'd had enough outdoor riding for one week. So I completed my weekly cycling goal on my rollers.

I'm still on track for 1000 miles in 7 weeks for #NHS1000miles. With another 151 miles of cycling and walking this week my year to date is 764 miles. So 2 weeks should do it...much as I like alcohol free beers like the one above...I'm looking forward to a proper beer on the 19th of February! 

Happy Pedalling